The "WEEEman" constructed from waste goods. Note the washing machine for a sense of scale!
Unless you fancy making a sculpture from your waste appliances like the “WEEEman” pictured here, this Saturday is an opportunity to dispose of them free of charge where they will (hopefully) be recycled into new goods.
The collection will take place this coming Saturday from 10am to 4pm in Callan, Mullinavat and Thomastown. The following items will be accepted: cookers, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, freezers, fridges, TVs, computers, toasters, irons, blenders, power tools, IT equipment, hairdryers, battery operated toys, fluorescent lighting, lighting fixtures, batteries, car and tractor batteries etc.
The locations are as follows: Thomastown – The Quay car park, Mullinavat – St. Beacons Church car park, Callan – Tube rollers site. Collections will take place in three other locations in the coming months. For further information download the councils poster here (4MB).
And in case your wondering, WEEE stands for “Waste electrical and electronic equipment”. A very unfortunate acronym if ever there was one.