The first orchard in the 400 fruit tree project was planted yesterday at the Gael Scoil. It was a great day, inspiring with a wonderful community spirit with a sense of something new afoot. The weather was kind and there was a big turnout from parents and friends to take part in the planting of 10 native and heritage varieties of apple trees from Irish Seed Savers with names such as “Irish Pitcher” and “Bloody Butcher”!

The start of the 400 Fruit Tree project in the Gael Scoil on March 4th

Planting the native apple tree "The Irish Pitcher"

Malcolm and Collette, members of the 400 Fruit Tree organising committee

All done and sharing out the apples in the new fledgling orchard
Over the next few days 3 more orchards will be planted to mark the start of a year long project to raise sponsorship money, identify sites and carry out the planting, the bulk of which will be planted in the autumn. A formal launch with Mayor Pat Crotty will take place on Friday in the castle park.
A dedicated website is under construction and will be online in the coming weeks. For now there is further information available here.