There are many ways to get involved in the transition process here in Kilkenny. Below, we have put together under different themes some of the work that needs doing over the next few months. Please feel free to get involved, make suggestions or contribute in anyway you can.
Contact paul[at] if you are interested or drop in at the next meeting or event.
* Postering around town
* Summarizing events
* Taking money at the door
* Suggest a venue for regular meetings
* Treasurer
* Facilitate meetings and discussions
* Help out at the Green Screen before/after events
* Searching for funding
* designing next years program
* Posting on the Blog
* Be involved in planning next year’s Future of Food seminar
* Help out at the Mill Kells before/after events
* Make suggestions for events “for the heart”
* Make suggestions for events “for the head”
* Make suggestions for events “for the hands”
* WEBSITE design / contribution
* Organise a social event for next year
* Setting up a “powerdown” book club
* Writing a book review
* Contribute a Short Film to the Transition Movie project
* Be involved in running/choosing films for next year’s Green Screen
* Set up a transition stories group in a local school
* Help promote Cultivate’s community powerdown course in Kilkenny
* Writing press releases
* Show the “power of community” in your local community
* Put your name down for a transition training course
* Go on Malcolm’s Allotment reconnoiter to Dublin
* Putting together a directory of local environmental/social groups
* Setting up a “Transition Food” group
* Investigating complementary currency
* Work on a skill sharing program