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Energy is the ability to do work. Without energy nothing happens. We know this when we are sick, when there is a blackout, or when we run out of fuel. No Energy = No Work.
Before the industrial revolution humanity was constrained by the limited amounts of energy that could be harvested from nature. To power our societies we harnessed the energy of wood, oxen, a little bit of wind and water, our own muscle power and even human slavery. On a human time-scale growth was slow and almost unnoticeable.
Have you ever wanted to treat yourself to a Massage, a Hairdo or a ride in a Limo but couldn’t justify it?
A Dream Auction in aid of Special Olympics Ireland will be held in the Ormonde Hotel on Friday 13th February at 8pm and you can bid away to your heart’s content on these and other services offered by the people of Kilkenny.
There will also be a raffle.
You could get a bargain, a treat, a good night out and raise money too.
Not bad for what is supposed to be an unlucky day!
Bring colleagues, friends and family. Everyone welcome.
For more information, contact Katharine Blake on 085 162 7033
or visit us in our office in the Playhouse, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny.
The UK’s local government association have produced a document called “Volatile times: transport, climate change and the price of oil” which you can download here. The report makes recommendations to local authorities about practical steps they can take to help households and businesses adapt [to peak oil]. It also offers some practical examples of action being taken now by local authorities and communities to prepare for challenges of diminishing energy supplies and climate change. The report also includes some case studies of what transition town groups are doing throughout the UK.
It is a useful and concise document explaining peak oil and should be of interest to anyone working within our local authority especially in the area of transport and planning. One criticism I have about the report is that it fails to mention the impact that declining oil supply will have on our food supply. You can read more about that here.
Fair Trade Meeting, Langton House Hotel, John St., Kilkenny, Wed 28th Jan, 7:30pm
Kilkenny City was awarded Fair Trade status in 2005 and Fair Trade products are widely available in city shops, restaurants and supermarkets. In order to retain Fair Trade status a local steering group seeks to ensure that Kilkenny City continues to comply with all criteria outlined under the scheme. A public meeting has been called in Kilkenny inviting people interested in joining the Fair Trade movement. The meeting will be facilitated by Kilkenny Local Authorities and will take place in Langton House Hotel, John St., Kilkenny on Wednesday the 28th of January at 7.30pm.
Please contact Bernadette Moloney, Environmental Awareness Officer, Kilkenny County Council on 056-7794487 for further details.
The first meeting of the steering group took place on Wed 14th in the BNS basement. We started off with a short introduction from everybody on their background, organisation and why they wished to be involved. There is a great diversity of interests including;
- local food promotion
- networking with other groups
- promoting wildlife and beautifying the city
- educating on food for children
- promoting community and creating a lasting legacy for future generations,
- expanding the work of Irish seed savers
- cross community projects
- art and theatre input
- celebrating 400 years of kilkenny
- raising awareness of climate change and peak oil and the need to reduce food miles and promote local self reliance.