- Allotment gardens in Victoria Park, Bath. Could we see this in Kilkenny Castle gardens someday? If the UK have their allotments – why can’t we?
On 25th September Malcolm Noonan held the inaugural meeting of the Kilkenny Allotments association at the Citizens advice centre. The meeting was packed with over 40 people in attendance, many of whom had to stand at the door. Future Proof Kilkenny was invited along to put in context the need for localised food production systems in order to reduce our carbon footprint and to prepare ourselves for consequences of peak oil. Shirley Lanigan , regular garden columnist at the People spoke about the health and community benefits of growing your own food.
Working from memory, here are some of the points people raised during the discussion afterwards:
- Under the Allotments act of 1932 the Council is obliged to find local land for the purposes of an allotment.
- Under new Biodiversity Act an allotment garden could play a part in preserving biodiversity.
- Any allotment must be within cycling and walking distance.
- All allotments must be organic.
- Ultimately, allotments and the space to grow food locally, should be a requirement of the planning process.
- Providing edible landscapes and schoolyards, tree planting and re-establishing Kilkenny orchards should also be on the agenda.
The next step is to organise a field trip to an existing allotment, probably one in Dublin or Meath. If you are interested in this field trip contact malnoonan[at]eircom.net
Web links
UK Federation of City Farmes and Community Gardens