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The Green Screen is back with 4 film screenings in Cleere’s theatre over the next 3 months examining the global issues of energy, sustainability, equality and the environment .

First up is “The real dirt on farmer john”, an inspiring tale of a maverick farmer who sets up a community supported farm in America.

Second is “Crude Impact” – another look at peak oil and its implications for our society.

Third is “Money as Debt” – a somewhat controversial but timely look at the inherent unsustainability of our debt based “growth at all costs” money system.

Finally Leonardo DiCaprio’s “11th Hour” – a broad sweep of the converging crises in the 21st century.

Before each film there will be a short informal meeting in Chez Pierre. These meetings will be a regular event before our films where we hope to sow the seeds and spark off “Transition subgroups”. The first meeting, this Thursday at 7pm, will focus on establishing a “Transition Food” group. If you are interested in setting up projects such as allotments, community gardens, community supported agriculture or whatever you feel passionate about then please do attend – but don’t be late for the film!

Full details on the green screen can be found here.

For a poster to hang up in your workplace, school or community group download the pdf here .

In the name of Transition Towns and all that requires cultural attention we have opened a new chapter in the book of many faces. FPK will be adding details of each event of our Spring Programme and any other worthwhile details to the FP_Kilkenny Facebook Group. So if you or your cyber buddies lean more towards the social sites than the blogesphere then rest easy, you can stay up to date with some of the best stuff to happening in Kilkenny. If you’re not already on facebook, then click to Join and search Future Proof Kilkenny.
See you there!

The Rivercourt Hotel under the gaze of the castle played host to the Future Proof Kilkenny launch of the Spring 2009 Transition Town events which was opened by Mayor Pat Crotty.
in his speach, Mayor Crotty spoke of moving the ‘Green agenda’ forward into the mainstream and praised the work of Future proof Kilkenny and Cllr. Malcolm Noonan in making this happen.

Following his presentation introduction of the need for a Transition Culture, Brian Dillon of FPK thanked Bernadette Maloney, KK coco environmental awareness officer, Agenda 21 and group members for thier ongoing contribution to the organisation. He finished by presenting Mayor Crotty with a copy of the Transition Towns handbook by Rob Hopkins.

The event was well attended with representatives from Kilkenny County Council, Coillte, Citzens Information Centre, Keep Kilkenny Beautiful, KCEB, Kilkenny Education Centre amongst others.

The programme of events continuine this years local responses to Peak oil, Climate Change and Economic Uncertainty. The aim of the programme is to bring all memebers of our community together to learn new skills, and gain knowledge that will help to ensure a healthier and progressive future for Kilkenny.

Michael Power(Coillte), Catherine Cross (KCEB), Vered Zur (Future Proof Kilkenny)and other Coillte representatives.

Michael Power(Coillte), Catherine Cross (KCEB), Vered Zur (Future Proof Kilkenny)and other Coillte representatives.

Full details of the events can be found here or you can download the full programme (5mb) here

Kilkenny Environmental Awareness officer, Bernadette Maloney, Mayor Crotty and Cllr. Malcolm Noonan with members of Future Proof Kilkenny

Kilkenny Environmental Awareness officer, Bernadette Maloney, Mayor Crotty and Cllr. Malcolm Noonan with members of Future Proof Kilkenny

To show we mean business!, some local producers provided samples of their goods that were on display. Thanks to The Gallic Kitchen, Indulge at the Market, Malone Fruit Farm, The Truffle Fairy, Eamonn Wallace Organic Vegatables.
A special thankyou also to the Rivercourt Hotel who provided the room and other refreshments at a ‘socially benefical’ rate. We’ll be back!

LightsOFF is a festival of art and music which will take place in Thomastown over three days (Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of March).

LightsOFF is a festival of art and music which will take place in Thomastown over three days (Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of March).

LightsOff is a small arts festival celebrating all things non-electrical. The concept is simple, we aim to make art and present it to the local community without the use of any electricity. This entails gallery viewings by candle-light, live sound installations, acoustic music gigs and interactive story telling. We aim to bring together a kaleidoscope of arts practitioners from varying disciplines and create the opportunity for practicing artists not only to share ideas and skills, but also to present their work to the public in exciting and innovative ways.

The event is primarily art based, with confirmed input by a number of practicing artists from Kilkenny and beyond. We also hope the event will raise awareness about environmental issues in Thomastown and the surrounding area, with particular emphasis on energy consumption. LightsOFF is designed to illuminate the ways we can enjoy ourselves in a creative atmosphere without using electricity. Local business establishments and residents will be asked to turn their lights off from 8pm each night of the event, hence the name- LightsOFF. Last year we had great success with this idea, and were delighted with the positive reaction of the community.

LightsOff will take place in various venues and public spaces in Thomastown on the weekend of 27/28/29th March 2009. The Berkeley Gallery will host an exhibition which will be viewed by candle-light. This exhibition of visual and performance based art features work by Ruth Lyons, Fiona Hallinan and Patrick Bresnihan, Alice Butler and Kate Strain. There will be storytelling and poetry readings by Eleonore Nicolas and Megan Nolan, and a fire display by Luci van Delden. Daytime workshops on pedal-power, dance and tactile art will also be scheduled. During the evenings there will be acoustic music by candlelight in The Bridgebrook Arms; featuring Vickers Vimy, The River Valley Band, Francesca Baines, Rory Grubb, Sophie Coyle and Slow Hand Roe. Further proposed activities include WalkAbout Storytelling, a Garden Feast (to be held in Grennan Mill) and a Gramophone Disco in the back lounge of The Bridgebrook Arms.

Last year saw the inception of LightsOff, created and facilitated by a locally established artist-led initiative called The Makery Arts Collective. We received generous contributions and sponsorship from local craftspeople and businesses. All our candles were donated by Moth to a Flame candle-makers, a local graphic designer produced all our advertising material, the venue was provided free of charge. The artists gave freely of their time and ideas, and the atmosphere was generally one of creative sharing and collaboration. Over 200 people attended.

LightsOff is many things. It is a networking event for practicing artists, it is an opportunity to show work to the public in new ways, it will raise awareness about topical environmental issues, it will involve and entertain the public and the local community. We hope it will encourage new connections through local arts practicioners and promote networking and future collaborative ventures. The very nature of the event itself is one of large-scale collaboration.

The proposed date for the event is the weekend of March 29th. This is international Earth Day, a day when people across the globe are encouraged to switch their electricity off for one hour. LightsOff seeks to take this theme further, by creating an entire festival of non-electrical entertainment, art and workshops.

If you would like to find out more, to contribute ideas or become involved in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are particularly interested in finding people willing to offer workshops over the course of the weekend. These would occur between 2pm and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday the 28th and 29th, and would preferably have an environmental or artistic slant. You can contact us by email at or by phoning Kate on 0863426851,

Sorry for the short notice but if you happen to be in Paulstown tonight there will be a discussion on green economics in the Shamrock Bar at 8pm.

The end of economic growth?

Effects of Global Warming and Peak Oil?

Implications for current crisis and for the gap in public finances?

Where:     The Shamrock Bar, Paulstown, Co. Kilkenny

When:    Wednesday 18th February 2009

Time:    8.00 – 10.00 p.m.

All are welcome. For more information contact : Brendan (087) 7425295 or Duncan (087) 2995549

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