How can we continue feeding humanity in a future of declining resources and environmental crisis? A new publication by Post Carbon titled “The Food and Farming Transition” explores the growing vulnerabilities of the current food system, and the steps needed to transition to a post-carbon food system.
This new system will require more farmers, smaller and more diversified farms, less processed and packaged food, and less long-distance hauling of food. Governments, communities, businesses, and families each have important parts to play in reinventing a food system that functions with limited renewable energy resources to feed our population for the long term.
We can begin the transition to the new system immediately through a process of planned, graduated, rapid change. The unplanned alternative reconstruction from scratch after a collapse of the current system would be chaotic and tragic.
The publication is available for download here and is a good companion to the recent Soil Association publication “An inconvenient truth about food” and the recent BBC documentary “A Farm for the Future”. Excellent resources for raising awareness of the growing need for a food revolution.