Vipassana/Mindfulness Meditation Retreat, Kilkenny
October 16/17 2010, 10.30-5pm at the Heritage Council Headquarters (Bishops Palace), Church Lane, Kilkenny. Cost: by Donation.
Vipassana means ‘clear seeing’. Through observing our experience, from moment to moment, in the here and now, without immediately reacting to it or getting absorbed into it, we learn to develop mindfulness and awareness.
In this changing world of ours where we are challenged by materialism and economic problems, it is of the utmost importance that we learn to get in touch again with that which is beyond gain and loss, beyond hope and fear. Through practising vipassana meditation we learn to relate to the suffering of ourselves and other beings in a more skilful way, not getting overwhelmed by it, nor becoming indifferent to it. We can develop equanimity and compassion in the midst of worldly chaos as much as in peaceful circumstances.
For full details of the retreat click here: retreat_kilkenny1